How To Find Friends To Take Tinder Photos With


Taking great photos of yourself for Tinder is a challenge. But who would take those photos of you, including a social one?

So you start considering who you could ask to join you for a Tinder photo session. Your first buddy is occupied with his girlfriend, the second has important mythic raid evenings, and the third is buried in overwork for that coveted promotion. Surprisingly, you just found out that someone else had a kid, which you had no clue about. Another person is drained from hustling for their startup.

In the end, you’re left with zero options. No one. Zilch. Nada. Absolutely no help.

Perhaps it’s time to seek out new friends, but as an adult, how do you even begin?

During your time in education, you often encountered new and interesting individuals. Nowadays, the only new faces you meet are your colleagues, who don’t really come across as particularly interested in Tinder dating.

How on earth can you find new friends, let alone those who would be interested in taking Tinder photos with you?

Where to find people?

First, you need to meet a lot of people. Finding new friends with whom you genuinely enjoy spending time is partly a matter of pure chance. In other words, the more people you meet, the higher your chances to meet people with whom you might enjoy hanging out with.

Where to find people depends heavily on where you live, but try these examples out and search for your local online options.


When online, you can reach out to a lot larger pool of potential people. On the flip side, you also hit a lot of people who won’t be interesting to you. So you need to filter more heavily to find those who are interested in similar things as you (e.g. using the template message below).

Example places to look opportunities to meet new people online

  • (check for self-improvement, masculinity, entrepreneurship interested groups)
  • Bumble’s BFF mode (Change it from the settings)
  • (a Finnish site for looking for friends, try to find your local variants)
  • Self-improvement communities, forums, Discords

I use the following template in my first message on Bumble BFF and as my description (with slight modifications) on friend search sites to underline what of people I’m interested in. This helps find people with similar interests and kickstart the relationship with the right direction.

Hey there, I’m Korkki! I’ll skip the usual bullshit and awkward intros – I’m looking for friends who like new adventures, are down to try new stuff and occasionally just hang out and shoot the shit. Mostly looking for ambitious guys, who have goals or things they’re working on achieving – whether that’s working on their body, making money, getting girls, mentoring others, working on mindset stuff or something else. Looking to building a group of guys who’ll push each other and have each others’ backs.

If that sounds what you’re looking for, hit me up and let me know what goals you’re working on.

In person

Meeting new people in person boils down to building up courage to say “Hey” to strangers and asking how their day has been. After a small chat, you can continue this with “I’m trying to find new friends, wanna grab a drink or go do <insert an activity here>?” .

Building up courage can be made easier by becoming a regular in a community such as a hobby or a gym. When people already know your face and might already be chatting about your hobby, asking to meet for a hangout is not as farfetched.

Ask your current friends to introduce you to their friends

This one is an amazing way to find new friends, because you most likely already share some interests. Text your friends that you’re trying build up your social circle and whether they have any cool people they could introduce you to or hangout together. For example, use the text I’ve sent “Hey, I’m trying to expand my social life and make more friends interested in <insert interest like dating or entrepreneurship>. Got any interesting guys you could introduce me to or hangout with as a group?”.

Figuring who are into helping with Tinder

Once you’ve met people for a drink, you need to find out whether they are into similar things as you are i.e. interested in taking great Tinder photos for each of you.

From experience, I’ve found the best way for figuring who would be interested in similar things is to be direct and honest, and ask. It’s really freaking awkward and uncomfortable at start when you haven’t talked about these kinds of topics openly. But you will get more comfortable with asking these the more you do it. It is way worth it when you surround yourself with people who are interested in self-development and help push you forward.

If you can’t figure out how to approach the topic, add preface your intimate question with “If I may ask” or “I’m just curious”. People in general often love talking about themselves and these help them be comfortable in talking about it. So, for example, I ask about dating situation by “I’m just curious, what’s your dating situation like?” and later “I’d like to take great Tinder photos for my dating, are you interested in taking some together?”.

What if they aren’t interested in same things

There will be times when you just vibe perfectly from the first meeting. But there will be also times where your opinions and worldviews are in conflict even if you might both be into self-improvement. Or they just aren’t interested in taking Tinder photos or discussing dating.

And that’s totally OK. The more honest and open you are about who you are and what you aim to do, the more enthusiastic the potential friends can be when they too find someone who thinks in the same way. On the flip side, honest and open discussion helps you and them find out as soon as possible if you wouldn’t enjoy each others’ company.

That’s why I prefer to have a quick coffee or drink hangout, so you can leave early if it doesn’t seem to pan out.


Finding new people that you enjoy hanging out is totally possible when you put in effort to it. Further, when you approach it by honestly stating what you are interested in, you’ll increase the chances of finding people into similar interests as you are while also avoiding those that would shun you for your goals.

Now, try these tips out and go meet more interesting people so you can build a tribe that pushes you forward!

About the author


Hey there! I'm blogging about topics related to self-development that I've had struggles with in the past.