From Something To Great: Critiquing Your Tinder Profile


You’re new to this whole Tinder thing, and man, it’s been rough. You were excited to join and thought it would be a fun way to meet people, but it’s like a punch in the gut every time you open the app and see that empty screen.

Still, you open up the app again and again to blindly swipe right, hoping for a miracle. You’re starting to doubt yourself and wonder if you’re just not good enough for this whole online dating thing. You feel like you’re invisible to all the girls on this app.

You know that there is something to improve, because if there wasn’t, you would have matches and dates by now. You start questioning: Are my photos in wrong order? Are your pictures not good enough? Is your bio lame? Am I too unattractive?

How come others make it seem to easy to have a great Tinder profile, while you’re just left confused with what’s wrong with your profile?

Fortunately, reflecting on what to improve on your profile doesn’t need to be an arcane art.

In this post, I cover seven questions that I always use when I’m critiquing someone’s (or my!) profile. These questions will give you some serious insights into whether it’s you or your photos. (A hint, if you’ve never put much thought into your photos, it’s most likely your photos!)

Critiquing your own profile

Figuring out what needs fixing in your profile is all about having a keen eye and knowing what truly matters. Dig deep, discover what’s holding your profile back and take your profile from zero to hero.

1. How good are your photos individually?

When evaluating your profile, start with the basics. Make sure all your photos check these boxes: you gotta look attractive, show off an interesting life, and give off that candid, caught-off-guard vibe.

If there are any photos that fall short in terms of your outfit, candidness, or what they convey, it’s important to improve them to prevent them from dragging you down. Remember, girls often swipe left based on your worst photos, so upgrading them will elevate the overall quality of your profile.

2. Are there any duplicate outfits, locations or photo ideas?

Your Tinder profile only has a limited number of slots to showcase yourself. So make them count and show off your life in different ways, without repeating yourself.

Having duplicate photos with the same theme sends the message that you’re too fixated on that one thing. It makes it seem like your whole life revolves around it. Even worse, duplicating the location or outfit implies that you didn’t even bother to put in much effort into your photos. It screams laziness.

That’s why it’s crucial to ensure your photos are unique and avoid any duplication. Make sure each photo shot packs a punch.

3. Are your best photos in the front?

Let’s be real, not all photos are created equal. And here’s the deal: girls often make their decision based on your very first photo. So, that one needs to be the bomb, showcasing your masculine awesomeness (and only you!).

To maximize your chances, organize your photos in a descending order of greatness. That means your top-notch pics should come first, and the not-so-great ones should be at the end.

But here’s the thing: us guys aren’t always great at guessing what girls find attractive. So, experiment with different first photos and see which one gets the most right swipes.

4. How many photos contain you doing something social with your friends?

Having a profile with just you can sometimes give off a loner vibe. And let’s face it, girls don’t know you (yet!), so they rely on your photos to get a sense of who you are. That’s why your pics gotta do the talking.

One option is to take high-quality selfies with your (hopefully attractive!) friends, while you all are doing something cool. Forget mirror selfies, aim for shots where you’re caught in the midst of an interesting moment.

5. Does something jump out too much?

Check it out, when you’re sorting through your photos, and make sure they represent different sides of you instead of just one. We’re not always serious, laughing, alone, with friends, or cracking jokes 24/7. So, keep things balanced.

Now, here’s the thing. Men often look more masculine when they’re not smiling, especially when they’re focused on something. But you need to throw in at least one photo where you’re genuinely flashing a smile.

Same comes to serious and funny photos. You want mostly serious pics, ones where you’ve made an effort to show different aspects of your life. But throw in one funny photo that clearly shows you’ve got a sense of humor. It’ll make your serious photos stand out even more.

Oh, and let’s not forget about photos with others in social settings. Your Tinder profile is all about you, not your crew. So, one or two photos with others is great. Any more and it starts resembling a group photo album.

6. Are you the main focus in all photos?

Tinder profile is all about you, so make sure you’re the star of the show in all your photos. Not the background, not your pet, not your buddies. It’s all about you, my friend.

When it comes to group shots, ask yourself are you in the front, stealing the spotlight? If not, next time, position yourself front and center or be the one to take the selfie. That way, you’ll be the clear center of attention, guaranteed.

Similarly pets can be excellent icebreakers and conversation starters, but remember that you should be the star, not your super adorable furry friend. So instead of just a photo of your pet, include a photo that captures the special bond you share with your pet, whether it’s playing fetch, going for a walk, or simply snuggling together.

7. How many interests are in bio that should be photos instead?

To be honest, when it comes to your bio, it’s not as important as having some kickass photos. Trust me on this. Most of the things you’d write in your bio can (and should!) be communicated through a photo.

Enjoy kicking a ball around? Snap a pic of you dominating the field. Fancy yourself a chef? Show off your cooking skills with a photo. Got mad skills on the guitar? Strum that thing and capture the moment. Love the rush of skiing and snowboarding? Capture the adrenaline rush on the slopes. Constantly out in the wild camping? Share a pic from one of your epic outdoor adventures.

Your photos should do the talking and showcase your personality, leaving the bio for stuff that can’t be shown in a pic. Or use the bio to amplify your message. But remember, if your photos don’t grab attention, chances are your bio won’t even be read.

In short, when all your photos are at least of good quality, your Tinder profile vibe is all about balance. Your photos need to give a taste of your life without any single aspect overpowering the rest and screaming “This is all I am!” It’s all about creating a well balanced mix and getting girls intrigued.

Check out how to ideate what photos to shoot in order to build a balanced profile.

About the author


Hey there! I'm blogging about topics related to self-development that I've had struggles with in the past.