Why Being Nerdy Is Great For Tinder


You listed out your hobbies, interests and lifestyle ideas for your photoshoots. But you’re left with a nagging question: Will any girl find those hobbies attractive on a Tinder profile?

You love accidentally losing a weekend to Factorio or a Civ game. You enjoy having a night with friends trying out the new boardgame they bought.

Rather than partying in a nightclub, you’d rather spend your time creating cool new mechanics for your side project game. You geek out about architecture more than picture-perfect food and drinks.

Your ideal interesting place is your own home, where you can indulge in a movie marathon, rather than an extravagant infinity pool on top of a skyscraper.

As you write down all your interests, a doubt creeps in: These interests won’t help on Tinder, right? They are way too nerdy and boring.

Here I’ll run you through why exactly the opposite is true meaning your nerdiness will be your unique selling point in dating. Having said that, I’ll also highlight when it applies and how leverage it to your advantage.

Should I Fake It Till I Make It?

Image this scenario: You decide to fake it till you make it by picking up hobbies that society considers interesting. But deep down, they don’t really interest you. Think traveling, surfing, alpine skiing, and partying—those trendy, Instagram-worthy pursuits to show-off.

You spend your free time engaging in these activities, but in the end, you don’t feel genuinely passionate about them. The catch is, there are girls involved in these scenes.

You get close to one of them, maybe even make her your girlfriend. But what happens when you finally achieve what you wanted, and you still don’t genuinely enjoy those activities? You’ll burn out on them and, eventually, you drop them.

And what about the girl you got close to? She realizes you’ve been fooling her with a facade. She feels betrayed, pissed off that you faked it and played with her emotions.

In the end, you end up attracting girls who like the fake version of you, not the real deal.

What Being Open And Honest About Your Interests On Tinder Does

Now, let’s consider the opposite approach—being open about your nerd side through awesome photos. Just like there are guys into all sorts of things, there are girls who share your interests. Let’s see how things play out with different types of girls.

If a girl isn’t into your interests, she’ll see your profile and immediately swipe left. It’s the same situation as the hypothetical scenario we discussed earlier. You would have needed a facade to make it work with someone who doesn’t share your passions.

But here’s the game-changing twist: The girls who are into you, or even HELL YES about you, will swipe right because of your nerdiness. They’re either cool with it or are nerdy as hell themselves.

Now, imagine how this scenario can unfold. You meet up and start chatting. You realize you both geek out over the same stuff, like a specific genre of games. The conversation flows like a river. Suddenly hours have flown by and you’re still talking and talking.

There’s no need to hide your inner nerd. In fact, it’s what brings you closer to someone who appreciates and enjoys your unique quirks. By being authentically yourself, you attract connections with people who genuinely value your company.

When Does Showing Your Nerdy Side Work And When It Doesn’t

Now let’s be honest. If it was as simple as showing off your nerdiness, you wouldn’t be here wondering how to up your dating game on Tinder.

Having that nerdy side alone ain’t gonna make or break your dating game. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you combine your nerdy side with some serious attractiveness.

Why does it always come down to attractiveness AND something else? It’s because of the halo effect, a psychological bias where our minds automatically assume positive traits in one area based on positive traits in another.

Similarly in the world of dating, this halo effect works its magic. When girls see an attractive and well-groomed guy, they naturally associate positive vibes with him. So when that guy also happens to be a big nerd, it’s seen as damn cute or even sexy. On the other hand, if you’ve got the nerdiness but haven’t put effort into maximizing your attractiveness, you won’t radiate the same positive vibes to the girls.


Let’s summarize what we’ve covered:

  • Embrace your personal quirks, such as your nerdiness, as they are what make you unique. Instead of seeing them as a problem, find girls who value and enjoy you for who you are.
  • Aim for a combination of nerdy AND attractive. The halo effect comes into play here, where being attractive enhances the appeal of your nerdiness.

Read more on how to improve your style for higher attractiveness to make your nerdiness work in your favor.

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Hey there! I'm blogging about topics related to self-development that I've had struggles with in the past.