Step-By-Step Guide On How To Shoot Great Tinder Photos


Not getting matches with girls you want regardless what you do? Then this series is for you. I go through step-by-step how I’ve built an interesting and attractive Tinder profile for me as well as my friends.

These posts are samples from my free Building Tinder Match Magnets guide, so if you’re hungry for more, be sure to check it out.

You’re aware that you need better photos, but you’re feeling puzzled where to being.

You can’t recall a single photo of yourself that didn’t make you physically cringe to unimaginable levels. You can’t shake off the feeling that you’re inherently unphotogenic, which makes the idea of taking better photos seem overwhelming. And now you’re being asked to do exactly that for Tinder photos.

You’re internally screaming, “How the heck am I supposed to do take great photos?” when you can’t seem to get a good selfie, let alone a good shot of yourself. This whole thing just seems impossible.

But what if, in an alternate universe, you had too many amazing Tinder photos, making it difficult to choose just one? Well, believe it or not, that’s actually achievable with the process I use to shoot Tinder photos.

I’ll walk you through the step-by-step approach to executing a successful Tinder photoshoot. I’ll cover what factors to consider at each step, provide practical rules of thumb to get you started, and offer advice on how to further experiment and improve your photos.

0. Maximize the photo idea and looks beforehand

Before going out for a photoshoot, it’s crucial to evaluate whether your idea has the potential to produce an engaging photo. Equally essential is putting in the effort towards your looks and outfit. Neglecting these factors, you may put in the same level of effort to the photoshoot but end up with lackluster results.

1. Pick A Location And A Suitable Spot There

The first step is to choose the location for your photo based on your idea. The spot you select has a major impact on how your photo turns out, as it influences your posing options, the elements visible in the frame, and the lighting conditions. Keep in mind that these aspects are interconnected, so it’s important to consider them together when deciding on a spot.

How Do You Want To Pose

Your idea guides the type of pose you should aim for. Depending on the activity, you might be sitting in a cafe, standing or sitting while playing a guitar, or standing and moving for sports like soccer, golf, or baseball.

Make a mental note of the pose that best complements your idea and seems visually appealing. For more detailed tips on posing, check here for more tips on posing and the master cue I recommend.

Look For A Location With An Appealing Background

When choosing a background for your photo, there are three things to consider.

First, make sure the background aligns with the idea you’re capturing. For instance, if you’re showcasing your passion for football (soccer), using the field as your background creates a cohesive story for the photo.

Second, aim for an appealing background that has some detail for visual interest. Avoid plain, single-color backgrounds whenever possible. Aim to include details that add depth and make the photo more captivating when examined closely.

Last, the background shouldn’t steal the spotlight from you, the guy. For that reason, avoid backgrounds that are cluttered, messy or convey negative impressions. Thus, no bathrooms, no laundry piles, no dirty mirrors!

Finding the right balance of “enough” and “not too much” of background detail comes with practice and feedback. Over time, you’ll develop an eye for it, but for a rule of thumb, less detail in the background, the better (as long as it’s not totally plain one color). You can influence this heavily by how much you fill the frame in your photos, which I’ll talk in more detail below.

Lighting At The Spot

Let’s talk about lighting for your Tinder photos, but we’ll keep it real simple. There are mainly two important things to keep in mind.

First, make sure your face is well-lit, especially your eyes. Second, aim for soft lighting that creates flattering shadows, avoids harsh contrasts, and doesn’t cause you to squint your eyes. In essence, soft light means light that doesn’t produce sharp shadows what direct sunlight does.

To achieve good lighting without getting too technical, you have a few options. Cloudy weather and being in the shade of a building both provide the wanted soft light. Another option is the golden hour, which is the time just after sunrise or before sunset when the sunlight is softer and creates a warm glow.

As long as you shoot your photos in these conditions, you’ll have great lighting without much hassle.

2. Camera Settings

The settings you use for taking photos depend on the device you’re using. However, the main goal is to achieve a nice, blurry background that helps to highlight you, the guy, as the main focus.


Smartphones make it easy to capture decent photos with their built-in features and software. Just point your camera towards your model and click shoot.

Ensure that you are using these settings (or similar on your phone model)

  • Shoot with the rear camera, as that typically has better quality
  • Activate portrait mode, which adds a pleasing background blur effect
  • Make sure the blur effect is enabled

The portrait mode with blur effect aims to mimic the blurry background aesthetic DSLR or mirrorless cameras get with wide apertures.

DSLR / mirrorless camera

Using a DSLR / mirrorless camera gives you more control over the settings (and, in my opinion, better end results), but it’s important to focus on the ones that matter for capturing attractive shots.

Here’s what you need to set:

  • Autofocus with face and eye tracking. Take advantage of the advanced autofocus technology, so your face always looks sharp and in focus.
  • Continuous Low-Speed shooting mode. It lets you capture multiple shots in a row while allowing refocus between shots. This increasing your chances of getting that perfect pic.
  • Use the lowest f-stop number you have (e.g. f/1.8). The lower the f-stop, the blurrier your background will be and the more the focus will be drawn to you, the hot guy.
  • Set a fast enough shutter speed e.g. 1/200 or 1/250. This ensures that even if you move fast, you’ll look crisp and clear in the photos.
  • Auto ISO. It’ll adjust the sensitivity to light, so your photos turn out just right.
  • Shoot in RAW format. This gives you the maximum flexibility in editing the photos later in Lightroom, Photoshop or similar.

These settings will get ensure that you’ll look nice and crisp, and the background will be pleasant and blurry, which helps draw the attention to you.

3. Taking The Photos

It’s time to put all that preparation into action and start capturing some awesome pictures!

When taking Tinder photos, your main focus should be on making yourself the center of attention in the photo.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Fill the frame. When aiming the camera towards the guy, the rule of thumb is to cut the bottom at their mid-thigh level and leave a bit of gap to the top of their head so the hair is fully visible. Don’t be scared to cut a bit of either arm off to fill the frame better. This ensures that you cover most of the frame and draws the viewer’s attention to you, and prevents the background from drawing too much attention.
  • Shoot at or just a bit below eye level.
  • Fill the frame. I can’t stress this enough, because this is one of the most common problems with men’s Tinder photos. Keep the bottom edge at around mid-thigh and the top edge a bit over the head.
  • Shoot in portrait mode i.e. vertically. Tinder favors vertical photos as they fit better on phone screens, and it makes filling the frame a lot easier.
  • Make sure that your eyes are in focus, sharp, and well lit. Blurry or dark faces won’t do you justice.
  • Fill the frame. Third time to hammer it home. Mid-thigh, a bit above the head.

Stick to these principles, and you’ll be capturing some seriously impressive photos in no time.

4. Take Tons Of Photos, Fuck Around And Find Out

The main method you usually get great photos with is to take hundreds of photos each photoshoot. But the point is not to take the same photo a hundred times. You want to get as close to your inspiration photo as possible and then try experimenting and fucking around with the idea.

Examples of things to fuck around with:

  • Keep changing your pose. Pose is one of the main things to vary when taking photos. Read more here on how to do that.
  • Experiment with angles. What if you shot from a lower or higher perspective? Do you look different from another side? Changing the angle can completely transform the way you and background look.
  • Try another background. Maybe there’s an alternative direction to shoot at which could have more interesting or less distracting background?
  • Play with the framing. Take a photo with full body including feet and shoes in the photo. Point is to still to fill the frame, but sometimes just a step back for a wider shot can work.
  • Test out different spots. Take the same idea and try it in various locations to see which one yields the best results.

There’s two things what the fucking around will do. One, you might accidentally stumble upon a really great photo by simply letting loose and trying new things. Two, you’ll learn more about taking better photos when you see how different changes affect the photos.

Great Tinder photos come from shooting TONS of photos instead of single clicks, so go wild with it.

Key Takeaways

Phew, that was a lot of stuff. Here’s what we’ve covered

  • Selecting locations by considering your idea, wanted poses, background and lighting
  • Ensuring proper camera settings for best quality Tinder photos
  • What to focus on and rules of thumb when shooting the photos
  • Experimenting to maximize chances for better photos

Will you 100% succeed every time? No and that’s the reality of it. Sometimes your idea may not turn out as great as you envisioned, or the spot you chose wasn’t as ideal as you thought. But by following these tips, you will maximize your chances that your photoshoots will succeed.

Here we’ve mainly focused on what happens behind the camera, but next it’s time to focus on stepping in front of the lens. After all, you won’t get great photos if you’re always the one behind the lens. To ensure you don’t end up looking like a startled deer, be sure to check out tips on posing.

About the author


Hey there! I'm blogging about topics related to self-development that I've had struggles with in the past.