How To Select Best Tinder Photos From A Photoshoot


Not getting matches with girls you want regardless what you do? Then this series is for you. I go through step-by-step how I’ve built an interesting and attractive Tinder profile for me as well as my friends.

These posts are samples from my free Building Tinder Match Magnets guide, so if you’re hungry for more, be sure to check it out.

You’ve taken a bunch of pictures for your Tinder profile. But now you’re left with a crap ton of photos.

And a crap ton of questions.

Which one of these eleven similar photos is the best? One where your head is slightly tilted to the side? One where you are looking into the horizon? Or the one where you are moving? Which small details matter? Could this one be your main picture? Or maybe just as a third photo? The first photo should be one where you’re smiling and facing forward, right? Or should it?

Getting opinions from others could really help you decide. But where do you find those opinions? Should you ask your friends? Maybe ask some girls? Use a tool like Photofeeler? Or how about asking on the Tinder subreddit?

When choosing the best photo, keep these two things in mind:

  • We’re often really tough on ourselves. Especially when it comes to how we look.
  • When you ask for opinions, think about how much they know about judging dating profiles.

Let’s talk about these things in more detail.

Should I pick the best photo by myself?

We wish we could see ourselves just the way we really are.

But how many times have you been getting ready to go out. You take a look in the mirror. Just to notice a new big, red pimple on your face? For sure makes you feel ugly.

Or what about when you got a new haircut right before going to a party? There will be hot girls there, and you’re feeling the most attractive guy in the world.

Both times, nobody else has even noticed these small changes. Yet they can make you feeling either super ugly or super good-looking.

That’s why we’re not very good at figuring out how attractive we are. Especially in photos.

That’s why it’s important to get opinions from others. It can help us get more dates, and that’s what we’re here for, right?

How can you know whether someone’s opinion is valuable?

Often, you want advice from people who have been successful on Tinder. Or are working to improve their profiles towards similar goals as you.

In simpler terms, ask for feedback from those who are actually finding dates. Because guys who are in the same boat as you are also trying to figure things out.

I’ve found two good ways for this. One, find friends who are also working on their dating profiles. Two, join communities like the Kill Your Inner Loser forums. In both cases, they should be taking action to improve their dating lives.

What about friends, family or services like Photofeeler?

How often do your friends or family tell you something doesn’t look good on you? If you’re like me, they say “it looks nice” or nothing at all.

The same goes for photos. Your girl friends might say, “I’d swipe right on you if I saw you on Tinder and I was single.”

But that’s the thing, they aren’t the ones swiping.

Services like Photofeeler or comments on Reddit have the same problem. They aren’t ones swiping on your profile on Tinder. They also don’t chat or go on dates with you.

So if you want to improve, find guys who have a successful track record. Ask them for constructive feedback. This way you avoid compliments that just make you feel good. Hearing “you photos are good, nothing to improve” isn’t helping you. Even if it’s well-intentioned. Especially if you aren’t getting dates.

There’s one exception. If you’re dating a girl and she’s attracted to you, get her opinion. Ask her which of your new photos makes you look the hottest.

But it’s the best to combine all feedback. Combine her opinion with the feedback from guys taking their Tinder seriously. The more feedback you get, the better your chances!

Reaching out

I prefer to be direct and tell that this photo is coming for Tinder. Yes, it was nerve wrecking in the beginning for me. But nowadays I know that my friends tend to pick the best ones.

If you are wondering how to ask, use my request message as a template.

Yo, random request! 😂 Can you go through these photos quickly and give your opinion in which one I look the best? Trying to improve my Tinder profile, so I want to get more objective feedback.


  • We tend to be really tough on our looks. Thus we are not great at judging which photo is the best.
  • For the best advice, seek guys who have a successful track record. They should actively work on their Tinder profile and actually get dates.
  • Avoid comments that just make you feel good instead of offering helpful feedback. They might feel nice, but they don’t push you to take meaningful action and improve.

About the author


Hey there! I'm blogging about topics related to self-development that I've had struggles with in the past.