About Me – How I Got Into Helping With Online Dating?


Hey there, I’m Korkki! I’m a Finnish guy enjoying exploring what wonders dating has to offer. Enjoying a party here, tying a girl up there.

It’s easy, efficient and completely natural. Have some matches on Tinder, get a few dates, and have most of the girls up at my place the first time. With her underwear on my bedroom floor.

But it sure wasn’t always like this. Let’s rewind the time a bit.

Me at My Lowest

When I was 24, I realized I hated majority of my life.

I was obese as fuck at 120kg (at least by European standards).

I had been in relationships before, but all them lacked something that I couldn’t pinpoint. I tried Tinder, but I got the typical result of zero likes.

I hated my software development job in a corporate environment.

I was basically an alcoholic (or a student, which is essentially the same) who spent majority of his free time addicted to video games.

I felt that I was compromising on everything in my life.

Why couldn’t I be with the girls that are smoking hot? Why couldn’t do work that I found interesting? Why couldn’t I live a life that wouldn’t leave me with regrets?

I was seeing and hearing these guys talk how Tinder and dating was supposed to be easy. Why was I not allowed to get easy dates and build an enviable sex life?

That led me to have a “fuck this” moment. I was enough of a horny motherfucker to be willing to sacrifice the life I already hated for a possibility of a dream. What would I lose in trying to change the life I hated?

I’ll Change My Whole Life Now!

I started the journey. With a great bunch of motivation to change my diet, start going to gym, and learn how to be an interesting person.

Which lasted for a couple weeks until I got impatient, and I raged why was I not seeing any results. I’ve done changes already, why am I not getting results?!

Taking Myself Seriously

At that point, I caught myself and realized that losing tens of kilos is gonna take me more than a year even in the best case, maybe many years in the worst. Thus I finally slowed down and understood that if I want to seriously achieve my dreams, I need to change my mindset for everything. Thus I started to look into how to learn new thought patterns and build habits.

I learned to eat right. I learned how to go the gym and lift heavy. I learned how to process my limiting beliefs.

After losing tens of kilos, I finally was ready to take another step for dating. I learned how to work my fashion. I bought a mirrorless camera and learned how to take flattering pictures.

I got some matches, and after huge amount of trial & error as well as feedback from others, I learned what tended to work and what didn’t.

I figured how to text girls, how to manage logistics, how to find girls that were honestly excited about similar things as I was, and how to handle rejection from those that wouldn’t enjoy my company.

Finally, I learned how to keep girls happy and coming back for more.

I realized that I enjoy seeing girls I vibe with again rather than meeting new ones constantly. It’s a lot more fun to experiment and build something exciting together.

It Didn’t End There

After getting my profile to a level where getting dates was easy, my friends started asking for help. And they started getting similar results on Tinder, finding girls they wanted and enjoyed to be with.

At that point I realized how fulfilling it is to help guys to achieve what I did.

To help guys who are similarly frustrated with their life as I were in the past, with not understanding why their Tinder profile isn’t working, and not understanding why girls aren’t coming back for more.

That’s why I strive to help guys take control of their dating lives, and help them show that they too can be a divine present to women whom they desire.